5/19 Young Adult

1) Today is Teacher's Appreciation Day. Thank you teachers for your faithful service to our education department!

2) El Salvador Mission Team is full. Please continue to pray for our summer mission trips. 

  • El Salvador( June 14 - July 20 contact pastor Peter)

  • Japan( Sept. 21 - Sept.25 contact dn Hong) 

  • Mission Send-Off Service next Sunday, May 26, during 2nd service

3) To request 1-on-1 pastoral visit or care, please contact Pastor Peter.

4) Youth Group Grad Night. 5/24. You are invited to join and participate as we encourage our graduating seniors as they prepare to enter a new chapter of their lives.

5) Northern Cal churches Pingpong tournament 5/25 (Sat). Feel free to visit and support. Lunch will be provided

6) Y.A summer retreat, Aug 2-4. Save the Date!

7) Summer discipleship training to start on June 16th. Please sign up here.

8) Meet and greet with High School Graduates! June 9, 1:30pm.


5/26/24 Announcements


5/12 Young Adult