5/12 Young Adult

  1. Continue to pray for our summer mission trips. 

    • El Salvador (07/14~20) contact pastor Peter)

    • Japan(09/21~09/25 contact dn Hong) 

  2. To request 1-on-1 pastoral visit or care, please contact Pastor Peter.

  3. Youth Group Grad Night. 5/24. You are invited to join and participate as we encourage our graduating seniors as they prepare to enter a new chapter of their lives.

  4. Northern Cal churches Pingpong tournament May/25(Sat). Feel free to visit and support. Lunch will be provided

  5. YA Summer Retreat. Aug 2-4. Save the Date.

  6. Family Photo Sessions, 5/12-26.

  7. Please pray for Sarah Inn and her family as they grieve the loss of her mother, Kim, Nam-Pil.

  8. Summer discipleship training will start on June 16th-July 28. Sign-up today with Dn. Paul Hong or Pastor Peter Yoo.


5/19 Young Adult


5/5 Young Adult