1) Welcome! If you are new or visiting we are glad you are here to worship with us!
2) Thank you for serving this month 9th grade! Next Week’s Congregational Prayer TBD.
3) Come out for Friday Night L.I.G.H.T. (Living In God’s Holy Truth). This Friday we will continue our study through the wisdom of Proverbs.
4) Pray for Summer Missions to El Salvador.
Primary Ministry will be VBS to 120 children.
Street/Neighborhood evangelism and outreach
Revival Night Worship
MIssionary support
5) Family Photo Sessions 5/12-5/23.
Senior Class Photo!
6) We will be going to the Main Sanctuary right after worship to give carnations boutonnieres to the parents.
Thank you to those who helped to make the carnation boutonnieres on Friday!
Upcoming events:
5/24 (Fri): Senior Banquet. 7:30pm
6/2 (Sun): Graduation Sunday
For Announcements and Updates,
check out our new website!