4/21 Young Adult


  1. VBS volunteers needed!

  2. Thank you to everyone who served during the Milal service event yesterday! The next Milal event will be on October 19.

  3. Summer Mission school 4/6 ~ 4/27 every Saturday 10am ~ noon. For those who signed up or are still on the fence about mission trips this year, or want to learn more about the mission trips or more about missions and evangelism in general. Sign-up deadline is 4/28. Sign-Up Here

    • El Salvador( 07/14~ 07/20 contact pastor Peter)

    • Japan(09/21~09/25 contact dn Hong)

    • Sign up at onnurisj.org > “2024 Mission Trips”

  4. HOME meeting on April 28th after worship!

  5. To request 1-on-1 pastoral visit or care, please contact Pastor Peter or Dn Paul Hong.

  6. Youth Group Grad Night on 5/24. You are invited to join and participate as we encourage our graduating seniors as they prepare to enter a new chapter of their lives.

On Going:

  1. Morning “Prayer, Bible, and Jesus” (PB&J). Mon, Wed, Fri, 7am. Zoom meeting. (On break this week for this Passion week Special Morning Prayer.

  2. Discipleship training. (Closed group). Sundays 10am.


4/28 Young Adult


4/14 Young Adult